martes, 7 de abril de 2009

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The HBO "It Boy"

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The HBO "It Boy"
This Swedish actor has a whiff of arrogance, as if he thinks he's superior to the rest of us. Maybe he is.

Alexander Skarsgård has a slightly superior air about him. Something in the way he squares his shoulders, in his unapologetic stare, in his swagger, feels at once inscrutable and slightly world-weary. The set of his jaw tells us that he finds mortals like us amusing, if somewhat pathetic.
In HBO's miniseries "Generation Kill," the 32-year-old Swedish actor brought a depth and thoughtfulness to Sgt. Brad Colbert that another actor might've missed. Colbert is a complicated mix of sensitive and brutish, intelligent and simplistic, and Skarsgård knew exactly how to capture these contradictions with intensity and restraint. Even obscured by his helmet, his eyes spoke volumes about his conflicted feelings regarding his company's mission. And he looked damn good in Marine garb. Maybe his hauteur comes from his credentials. The son of legendary character actor Stellan Skarsgård, Alex has been voted Sweden's sexiest man an ego-enhancing five times.
It's no wonder Alan Ball chose him to play the top vampire in HBO's "True Blood." Skarsgård's Eric is suave and delectable enough to make even a bloodthirsty ghoul go weak in the knees. His penetrating gaze tells us that he's better than we are, plain and simple. We shouldn't relish this irresistible whiff of disapproval, or find his arrogance so appealing -- but we do anyway, in spite of ourselves.


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Una chica para Thor

Si hace unos días os comentaba aquí mismo que Kenneth Branagh ya tenía un par de nombres pensados para interpretar a Thor y a su hermanastro Loki en la futura película sobre el dios del trueno (Alexander Skarsgard y Josh Harnett son los afortunados), ahora nos llegan rumores de que Natalie Portman podría convertirse en la actriz elegida para el papel protagonista femenino.
Lo que nadie tiene claro es el rol de la buena de Natalie en la película. Hay dos mujeres muy importantes en la vida de Thor que podrían aparecer en la cinta: una es Sif, diosa de Asgard (hogar de las divinidades nórdicas) y esposa fiel del dios del trueno; la otra es Jane Foster, novia del Dr. Donald Blake, álter ego de Thor en la Tierra. No sé qué pensáis vosotros, pero yo estoy convencido de que Portman se meterá en la piel de esta última.
Thor” es uno de los blockbusters de Marvel que mejor pinta tiene. Con un director como Branagh al frente, es fácil recibir enseguida buenas vibraciones. Y si encima mi adorada Natalie Portman está en el reparto, no hay duda de que reservaré mi butaca en el cine más cercano para ver esta película. Eso sí, habrá que esperar aún hasta mayo de 2011.

Vía: WorstPreviews
Por: Manuel Galea